Ok, so iv not wrote in this for a while.
Simple reason being I fried my netbook, thanks to my little brother.
You know those conversations you have, while tyoing back and forth, where you're either laughing too hard and cant take a sip of your dring or you burst out laughing with a mouth already full? Yeah, it was one of those kind of conversations lol
I couldnt type unless I held down the shift key so it was very dodgy looking typing. I had to copy and paste a "m" though as that key died completely. Sometimes the writing was a mixture of upper and lower case letters so started to look like a very bad ransome note.
Anyway, tis the festive season. am I excited? Nope. not in the slightest.
Why? no idea.
My birthday last saturday. another year older and that was it. just another day.
not got all the decorations up yet simply cos I cant get in the festive mood no matter how much I try.
Paper chains are up and Iv gotta raid the loft for the tree, this should be fun. my ceiling aquired a huge crak in it last time I was up there and Iv no idea where about the tree is. Havent exactly got a head for heights and no doubt there's spiders and other creepy crawlies up there too.
Maybe after tomorrow I'l feel a little more festive. Hope so. girls are taking part in a nativity. C is Mary, K is a King (or maybe a camel, depending) and S is a sheep :)
Failing that, there's always the frantic present wrapping on xmas eve where Im lucky to get into bed by 3 am, only to be woken up again at 5 with 3 excited girls bouncing on my bed and all over me dying to get downstairs to see if santa has been. there goes any hope of a lie in!!
Im home alone for xmas. Girls are at their nana's til around 2 then C will be back. other 2 wont be back til 27th. poor C gets pushed out yet again :-/
Anyway, wont dwell on that or will just annoy me even more. On plus side, just think how much sleep I can catch up on while its quiet :) Excellent!!
If it wasnt for the fact iv gotta be up early in the morning, Id crack open a beer lol.
Never mind.
Laters taters x
Saturday, 18 December 2010
Tuesday, 26 October 2010
Caws a Thatws wedi Pobi Potato and Cheese Bake
1kg o datws wedi eu berwi a'u stwnsio (dal yn boeth)150g o gaws Cheddar coch wedi ei ratio
3 llwy fwrdd o lefrith
30g o fenyn
1 tomato wedi ei dafellu'n denau
Stwnsiwch y tatws gyda'r menyn a'r llefrith yna ychwanegwch y rhan fwyaf o'r caws gan ei gymysgu i fewn yn dda. Trosglwyddwch i ddesgil addas i'r popty (eg desil gratin) yna rhoddwch y tomato am ben y tatws gan wasgaru gweddill y caws am ben y tomatos.
Gosodwch o dan ril poeth nes i'r caws doddi a dechrau lliwio. Gweinwch yn unionsyth.
1kg potatoes, peeled and boiled (still hot)150g red Cheddar cheese, grated
3 tbsp milk
30g butter
1 tomato, thinly sliced
Mash the potatoes with the butter and milk then add the majority of the cheese and mix in thoroughly. Transfer to an oven-proof dish (eg a gratin dish) then layer the tomatoes over the top and scatter the remaining cheese over the tomatoes.Place under a hot grill and cook until the cheese has melted and is beginning to bubble and colour. Serve hot.
Cynhwysion Welsh Rarebit
2 llwy fwrdd of fenyn
2 llwy fwrdd of flawd
1 llwy de of fwstad Dijon
1 llwy de o saws Worcesterchire
½ llwy de o bupur du
60ml o gwrw porter
200g caws Cheddar
Yn gyntaf dylid todi'r menyd mewn sosban cyn ychwanegu'r blawd a'i gogino am ddau funud (heb losgi'r blawd). I'r gymysgedd yma dylid ychwanegu'r mwstadd, y saws Worcesterchire a'r cwrw. Wedi cogino'r cymysgfa am tua pedwar munud dylid ychwanegu'r caws wedi ei garfellu ychydig wrth ychydig gan sicrhau and yw'n llosgi ar waelod y sosban. Tra mae'r caws yn toddi dylid tostio bara ar un ochor a phan mae'r caws yn barod dylid ei dolldi ar ben ochr amrwd y bar cyn ei roi o dan y gradell i liwio pen y caws (fe fyddaf yn rhoi paprika ar ben y cymysgfa caws cyn ei bobi).
2 tbsp flour
1 tsp Dijon mustard
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
½ tsp black pepper
60ml porter beer
200g Cheddar cheese
sliced bread
2 llwy fwrdd of flawd
1 llwy de of fwstad Dijon
1 llwy de o saws Worcesterchire
½ llwy de o bupur du
60ml o gwrw porter
200g caws Cheddar
Yn gyntaf dylid todi'r menyd mewn sosban cyn ychwanegu'r blawd a'i gogino am ddau funud (heb losgi'r blawd). I'r gymysgedd yma dylid ychwanegu'r mwstadd, y saws Worcesterchire a'r cwrw. Wedi cogino'r cymysgfa am tua pedwar munud dylid ychwanegu'r caws wedi ei garfellu ychydig wrth ychydig gan sicrhau and yw'n llosgi ar waelod y sosban. Tra mae'r caws yn toddi dylid tostio bara ar un ochor a phan mae'r caws yn barod dylid ei dolldi ar ben ochr amrwd y bar cyn ei roi o dan y gradell i liwio pen y caws (fe fyddaf yn rhoi paprika ar ben y cymysgfa caws cyn ei bobi).
2 tbsp butter2 tbsp flour
1 tsp Dijon mustard
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
½ tsp black pepper
60ml porter beer
200g Cheddar cheese
sliced bread
Melt the butter in a saucepan and add the flour. Cook this mixture for about two minutes, ensuring that the flour doesn't burn. Add the mustard, Worcestershire sauce and the beer. Cook for about four minutes then begin adding the grated cheese little by little, ensuring that it does not burn on the bottom of the pan. Whilst the cheese is melting slice your bread and toast on one side under the grill. When the cheese has all melted turn the part-toasted bread over and add the cheese mixture on top of the uncooked side of the bread. Place back under the grill until the cheese has coloured a golden brown (personally I like to add a little paprika at this time).Cynhwysion Bara brith
450g blawd hunan-godi
225g menyn
225g siwgwr
¼ llwy de nytmeg ffres
¼ llwy de sbeis cymysg
pinsiad o halen
60g o groen ffwythau
120g o gwrens
180g o sultanas
3 wy
300ml te poeth
6 llwy fwrdd o lefrith
1 llwy fwrdd o farmalêd
1 llwy fwrdd o driog melyn
Yn gyntaf dylid paratoi te cryf poeth. Dylid ychwanegu hwn i'r ffrwythau a'u gadael wedi eu gorchuddio dros nos. Y diwrnod wedyn dylid hidlo'r blawd i fowlen ac ychwanegu'r sbeis a'r nytmeg a phinsed o halen. Wedi torri'r menyn yn sgwaraid dylid ei ychwanegu i'r blawd a'i rwbio i fewn gyda blaenau'r bysedd. Wedi tynnu'r ffrwythau o'r te dylid eu ychwanegu i'r cymysgedd blawd a menyn ynghyd a'r siwgwr a'u cymysgu'n drwyadl. Wedi curo'r wyau gyda'r llefrith dylid ychwanegu hwn a'i guro i fewn i'r cymysgedd. Yn olaf, ychwanegu'r marmalêd a'r triog melyn. Wedi iro tun pobi bara hanner cilo (a leinio hwn gyda papur pobi) dylid arllwys y gymysgedd iddo a'i osod mewn popty a gynheswyd i 170°C ar ol chwarter awr dylid tynnu'r gacen allan a rhoi papur pobi am ei ben i arbed llosgi cyn ei ddychwel i'r poptu am tua ugain munud arall.
450g self-raising flour225g butter
225g sugar
¼ tsp freshly-grated nutmeg
¼ tsp mixed spice
pinch of salt
60g mixed peel
120g currants
180g sultanas
3 eggs
300ml hot tea
6 tbsp milk
1 tbsp marmalade
1 golden syrup
First prepare 300ml of strong tea. Pour the hot tea over the fruit in a bowl, cover and leave to stand over night. The following day sift the flour into a bowl, add the spice and nutmeg and a pinch of salt. Cut the butter into small cubes, add to the flour and rub this in with the tips of your fingers until the flour and butter are thoroughly mixed. Remove the fruit from the tea and add them to the butter and flour mixture. Tip in the sugar and mix well. Beat the eggs and milk together and add this to the mixture. Finally, add the marmalade and golden syrup and mix thoroughly. Grease a 500g bread or baking tin with butter, line with baking parchment and pour in the cake mixture. Bake in an oven pre-heated to 170°C for fifteen minutes. At the end of this time take the cake out, line the top with baking parchment (to prevent the top burning) and return to the oven for a further twenty minutes (at this point check the cake occasionally; it is ready when set in the middle and golden brown in colour). Bara brith is usually served at tea time spread with butter but it can be eaten as it. It may even be toasted and served buttered.Sunday, 10 October 2010
Canllaw i oroeswyr Cymraeg sylfaenol bod y llyfrau llaw dont dweud wrthych y bydd yn ddefnyddiol i chi os yw colli erioed yng nghymru. Or A survivors guide to basic welsh that the hand books dont tell you that you will find useful if ever lost in wales
1) Lle y uffern ydw i?
where the hell am I?
2) Mae eich defaid wedi bwyta fy map
Your sheep has eaten my map
3) peint o gwrw os ydych yn
Pint of beer if you will
4) Ble mae'r siop sglodion agosaf?
Where's the nearest chippy?
5) beth amser yn y dafarn gau?
What time does the pub shut?
6) Kebab a sglodion os gwelwch yn dda
Kebab and chips please
7) dim ond paned os gwelwch yn dda
Just a coffee please
8) pa ffordd i'r dafarn agosaf?
which way to the nearest pub?
9) mae wyth y nifer bws yn mynd trwy yma?
Does the number eight bus pass through here?
10) for the smokers - unrhyw un got a golau?
anyone got a light?
11) Fi cant yn cael signal ar fy ffôn symudol
I cant get a signal on my mobile
12) chyfnertha 'm Im a gollwyd
Help me Im lost
13) onest, Fi didnt gwybod ei fod yn eich defaid
Honestly, I didnt know it was your sheep
14) Iv colli fy esgidiau glaw
Iv lost my wellies
15) ychydig dros y mynyddoedd wnaethoch chi ei ddweud?
Just over the mountains, did you say? (a very common direction given)
16) yn unig sy'n ymweld am y dydd
just visiting for the day
17) yw bod blew eich siaced?
Is that coat your jacket?
18) ble mae'r orsaf drên agosaf?
Where is the nearest train station?
19) swyddog ddrwg gennym, yr wyf yn wont yn ei wneud eto
Sorry officer, I wont do it again
20) dyna ni, dwi'n off cartref
That's it, Im off home.
dyna ni. ugain o ymadroddion sylfaenol maent yn colli allan o'r llyfrau tywys eich bod yn fwy tebygol o ddod o hyd o ddefnydd. croeso i chi ofyn os Iv methu unrhyw allan.
there you go. twenty basic phrases they miss out of the guide books that you are more likely to find of use. feel free to ask if Iv missed any out
where the hell am I?
2) Mae eich defaid wedi bwyta fy map
Your sheep has eaten my map
3) peint o gwrw os ydych yn
Pint of beer if you will
4) Ble mae'r siop sglodion agosaf?
Where's the nearest chippy?
5) beth amser yn y dafarn gau?
What time does the pub shut?
6) Kebab a sglodion os gwelwch yn dda
Kebab and chips please
7) dim ond paned os gwelwch yn dda
Just a coffee please
8) pa ffordd i'r dafarn agosaf?
which way to the nearest pub?
9) mae wyth y nifer bws yn mynd trwy yma?
Does the number eight bus pass through here?
10) for the smokers - unrhyw un got a golau?
anyone got a light?
11) Fi cant yn cael signal ar fy ffôn symudol
I cant get a signal on my mobile
12) chyfnertha 'm Im a gollwyd
Help me Im lost
13) onest, Fi didnt gwybod ei fod yn eich defaid
Honestly, I didnt know it was your sheep
14) Iv colli fy esgidiau glaw
Iv lost my wellies
15) ychydig dros y mynyddoedd wnaethoch chi ei ddweud?
Just over the mountains, did you say? (a very common direction given)
16) yn unig sy'n ymweld am y dydd
just visiting for the day
17) yw bod blew eich siaced?
Is that coat your jacket?
18) ble mae'r orsaf drên agosaf?
Where is the nearest train station?
19) swyddog ddrwg gennym, yr wyf yn wont yn ei wneud eto
Sorry officer, I wont do it again
20) dyna ni, dwi'n off cartref
That's it, Im off home.
dyna ni. ugain o ymadroddion sylfaenol maent yn colli allan o'r llyfrau tywys eich bod yn fwy tebygol o ddod o hyd o ddefnydd. croeso i chi ofyn os Iv methu unrhyw allan.
there you go. twenty basic phrases they miss out of the guide books that you are more likely to find of use. feel free to ask if Iv missed any out
Saturday, 9 October 2010
In my lifetime, Iv bought a million Pens.
Iv bought multi packs and posh Biros in an assortment of many colours.
Today I get my forms to apply for pass ports for the sprogs.
Form says to fill it out in black ink only. Ok, not a problem, I bought a brand new pack of 10 pens and I put them over on the computer table for safe keeping. Only when I go to the table, there's no pens. There's loads of other crap on there though but not a pen to be seen.
Nae problemo, there's some pens in the kitchen draw, I'll just go and get one of those. NOPE!! no pens there either.
Hmmmm thinks I. Im slowly running out of options as to where all my pens could be hiding. I check all the obvious places and some not so obvious ones, all with no luck.
Not a pen in sight.
I go up to my room and have a good rummage about. AHA!! a PEN!!! YAY. . . .but then NO!!!! its BLUE and not the required black and if that wasnt enough, IT DOESNT WORK!!!!!
I raid sprogs rooms. find a vast selection of half eaten crayons and dried out felts but no pens!!
Giving up, I decide I will call into the shops later.
Later, Drop C off at her Brownies meet and call into the shop to buy a black pen.
I look and I find :
Felt tipped pens
but NO pens!!! sob sob :(
I GIVE UP!!!! lol
Who'd have thought obtaining a black pen would be so damn difficult?
So as a desperate measure, I ask a friend who always has everything but the kitchen sink with him when out. and YES he has a black pen that works!!!! GREAT!!
Happily I borrow the pen and carry it in my coat pocket which is zipped up to make sure I dont lose it.
I get home and into my house only to find on the floor behind the front door a BLACK PEN!! trying to escape!!
So what I wanna know is, WHERE DO ALL THE PENS VANISH TO??
Iv bought multi packs and posh Biros in an assortment of many colours.
Today I get my forms to apply for pass ports for the sprogs.
Form says to fill it out in black ink only. Ok, not a problem, I bought a brand new pack of 10 pens and I put them over on the computer table for safe keeping. Only when I go to the table, there's no pens. There's loads of other crap on there though but not a pen to be seen.
Nae problemo, there's some pens in the kitchen draw, I'll just go and get one of those. NOPE!! no pens there either.
Hmmmm thinks I. Im slowly running out of options as to where all my pens could be hiding. I check all the obvious places and some not so obvious ones, all with no luck.
Not a pen in sight.
I go up to my room and have a good rummage about. AHA!! a PEN!!! YAY. . . .but then NO!!!! its BLUE and not the required black and if that wasnt enough, IT DOESNT WORK!!!!!
I raid sprogs rooms. find a vast selection of half eaten crayons and dried out felts but no pens!!
Giving up, I decide I will call into the shops later.
Later, Drop C off at her Brownies meet and call into the shop to buy a black pen.
I look and I find :
Felt tipped pens
but NO pens!!! sob sob :(
I GIVE UP!!!! lol
Who'd have thought obtaining a black pen would be so damn difficult?
So as a desperate measure, I ask a friend who always has everything but the kitchen sink with him when out. and YES he has a black pen that works!!!! GREAT!!
Happily I borrow the pen and carry it in my coat pocket which is zipped up to make sure I dont lose it.
I get home and into my house only to find on the floor behind the front door a BLACK PEN!! trying to escape!!
So what I wanna know is, WHERE DO ALL THE PENS VANISH TO??
Wednesday, 6 October 2010
Scorpion Pit \m/
One of my fave Jobs was working as a Doorman for my friend's Rocknight =)
Before I got my official uniform, I looked like this
Kinda Scary, huh!! T shirt's a bit of an understatement too =P
Official uniform then looked like this.
(nope I didnt have a sex Change, that is Mr. Scorpion himself my boss)
I didnt work alone, I had 3 others working with me, Chris and Andy.
Then ofcourse there was the madman Matty
We prided ourselves on our ability to reach out to everyone, including Jesus!!
But all in all, we were one big happy drunken family rocking out together
Before I got my official uniform, I looked like this
Kinda Scary, huh!! T shirt's a bit of an understatement too =P
Official uniform then looked like this.
(nope I didnt have a sex Change, that is Mr. Scorpion himself my boss)
I didnt work alone, I had 3 others working with me, Chris and Andy.
Then ofcourse there was the madman Matty
We prided ourselves on our ability to reach out to everyone, including Jesus!!
Right ok, Im completely new to all of this.
If you're reading this then congratulations!! You're officially more bored than me =)
Suppose I should start with something about me just so you get an idea of what exactly it is you're letting yourself into reading this.
Im Nat *waves* Im the most complicated woman you could ever meet. Not intentionally, just the way things go I suppose. While I write this Im currently 28 years old. Im a single mum to three girls (hormone hell). C is 9 and has ASD (Autism spectrum disorder) K is 5 and the clingy nightmare kinda child and S is 4 with a pletherer of little "problems" as well as having DDEB (dominant dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa)
I love them all like crazy despite how chaotic the day gets and believe me, it does get mad!!
Besides my girls we have 4 cats (Sylvie, Eve, Lilo & Stitch) and 2 Rabbits (Ron and Lady, who thankfully isnt preggers after all!!)
So thats pretty much us. Not as straight forward as it looks either.
I dont currently work (which is absolutely killing me as Iv always had a job since I was 14) due to having both physically and mentally disabled kids, however thanks to a good friend giving me the idea, Im in the middle of setting up my own business which is proving harder than I first imagined (especially with kids harrassing me constantly)
Hmmm. . . what else can I tell you?
Oh. . . erm. . .Im a Goth. Im a lesbian (currently lol). Im wiccan. IM BLOODY LATE FOR TODDLERS!!!
* I help out at the mums + Toddlers at the local church on wednesdays and just spotted the time*
Gonna have to continue with this laters Im afarid!! lol
Laters x
If you're reading this then congratulations!! You're officially more bored than me =)
Suppose I should start with something about me just so you get an idea of what exactly it is you're letting yourself into reading this.
Im Nat *waves* Im the most complicated woman you could ever meet. Not intentionally, just the way things go I suppose. While I write this Im currently 28 years old. Im a single mum to three girls (hormone hell). C is 9 and has ASD (Autism spectrum disorder) K is 5 and the clingy nightmare kinda child and S is 4 with a pletherer of little "problems" as well as having DDEB (dominant dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa)
I love them all like crazy despite how chaotic the day gets and believe me, it does get mad!!
Besides my girls we have 4 cats (Sylvie, Eve, Lilo & Stitch) and 2 Rabbits (Ron and Lady, who thankfully isnt preggers after all!!)
So thats pretty much us. Not as straight forward as it looks either.
I dont currently work (which is absolutely killing me as Iv always had a job since I was 14) due to having both physically and mentally disabled kids, however thanks to a good friend giving me the idea, Im in the middle of setting up my own business which is proving harder than I first imagined (especially with kids harrassing me constantly)
Hmmm. . . what else can I tell you?
Oh. . . erm. . .Im a Goth. Im a lesbian (currently lol). Im wiccan. IM BLOODY LATE FOR TODDLERS!!!
* I help out at the mums + Toddlers at the local church on wednesdays and just spotted the time*
Gonna have to continue with this laters Im afarid!! lol
Laters x
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