Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Cynhwysion Welsh Rarebit

2 llwy fwrdd of fenyn
2 llwy fwrdd of flawd
1 llwy de of fwstad Dijon
1 llwy de o saws Worcesterchire
½ llwy de o bupur du
60ml o gwrw porter
200g caws Cheddar
Yn gyntaf dylid todi'r menyd mewn sosban cyn ychwanegu'r blawd a'i gogino am ddau funud (heb losgi'r blawd). I'r gymysgedd yma dylid ychwanegu'r mwstadd, y saws Worcesterchire a'r cwrw. Wedi cogino'r cymysgfa am tua pedwar munud dylid ychwanegu'r caws wedi ei garfellu ychydig wrth ychydig gan sicrhau and yw'n llosgi ar waelod y sosban. Tra mae'r caws yn toddi dylid tostio bara ar un ochor a phan mae'r caws yn barod dylid ei dolldi ar ben ochr amrwd y bar cyn ei roi o dan y gradell i liwio pen y caws (fe fyddaf yn rhoi paprika ar ben y cymysgfa caws cyn ei bobi).

Celtnet recipes chicken recipe divider


2 tbsp butter
2 tbsp flour
1 tsp Dijon mustard
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
½ tsp black pepper
60ml porter beer
200g Cheddar cheese
sliced bread


Melt the butter in a saucepan and add the flour. Cook this mixture for about two minutes, ensuring that the flour doesn't burn. Add the mustard, Worcestershire sauce and the beer. Cook for about four minutes then begin adding the grated cheese little by little, ensuring that it does not burn on the bottom of the pan. Whilst the cheese is melting slice your bread and toast on one side under the grill. When the cheese has all melted turn the part-toasted bread over and add the cheese mixture on top of the uncooked side of the bread. Place back under the grill until the cheese has coloured a golden brown (personally I like to add a little paprika at this time).

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